
Billax's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 79 (From 9 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 750 Points


Medals Earned: 3/3 (40/40 points)

Friday Night Funker 5 Points

Start the game


Beat Week 1 in Story mode and unlock Week 2

Just like the game 25 Points

Funk on a Friday (real time)

Madness: Project Nexus (Classic)

Medals Earned: 1/16 (5/480 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Mercy 5 Points

Don't kill any traitors or cowards in Mission 1A.

Slaughter Rank: Greenhorn 5 Points

[Career] Kill 50 enemies in Arena Mode.

Nexus Victory [Easy] 10 Points

Defeat the Nexus HQ on Easy Difficulty

Nexus Victory [Normal] 10 Points

Defeat the Nexus HQ on Normal Difficulty

Slaughter Rank: Bloodied 10 Points

[Career] Kill 200 enemies in Arena Mode.

Slaughter Rank: Impaler 10 Points

[Career] Kill 350 enemies in Arena Mode.

Nexus Victory [Hard] 25 Points

Defeat the Nexus HQ on Hard Difficulty

Savior's Sword 25 Points

Find Jesus's hidden blade in Story Mode.

Slaughter Rank: Psychopath 25 Points

[Career] Kill 1000 enemies in Arena Mode.

Slaughter Rank: Seas of Blood 25 Points

[Career] Kill 2000 enemies in Arena Mode.

Slaughter Rank: Wargod 25 Points

[Career] Kill 600 enemies in Arena Mode.

Slaughter Rank: Greater Than 9000 50 Points

[Career] Kill 9001 enemies in Arena Mode.

Slaughter Rank: Impossible 50 Points

[Career] Kill 5000 enemies in Arena Mode.

Do What Comes Natural 100 Points

Defeat the Nexus HQ on Hard Difficulty without playing Hank.

Slaughter Rank: Genocider 100 Points

[Career] Kill 53,594 enemies in Arena Mode (Pfffft Good Luck!)

Michaelsoft Binbows '97

Medals Earned: 14/16 (80/90 points)

Welcome to Michaelsoft Binbows! 5 Points

Thanks for purchasing our new OS!

Michaelsoft Office 5 Points

"There's nobody here."

Monkeh. 5 Points

Monkeh, monkeh.

Milk Sponge 5 Points

Don't harass me its just a reference!

Fat Fish Aquarium 5 Points

See your new pet fish!

Tinfoil OS (C:) 5 Points

Ur PC is slow

Big Ol (D:) 5 Points

You don't have one.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Medium Ham 5 Points

Medium Ham is only limited to playing 1 video.

Michaelsoft Shop 5 Points

Purchase an item!

The Viewer 5 Points

He watches...

Shut Down 5 Points

Uh oh!

Nice and tidy! 5 Points

Keep it clean and sweep up those mines!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Abstract 5 Points

Think, just have a little time to think about some stuff...

In loving memory of a deceased loved one... 5 Points

RIP Shrek 9/11/01

Olive's Art-Venture

Medals Earned: 1/18 (5/360 points)

Art-venture awaits! 5 Points

Begin the game.

Art degree 5 Points

Complete the tutorial.

Checkmate! 5 Points

Clear floor 1.

Dig it! 5 Points

Clear floor 2.

Lvl up! 5 Points

Clear floor 3.

That figures! 5 Points

Clear floor 4.

Aesthetic! 10 Points

Clear floor 5.

Sweet! 10 Points

Clear floor 6.

Spooky! 10 Points

Clear floor 7.

Good luck! 25 Points

Clear floor 8.

Happy mistake 50 Points

Destroy the Rob Boss.

Olive Monet 50 Points

Clear floor 10.

Olive van Gogh 50 Points

Clear floor 12.

Olive da Vinci 100 Points

Clear floor 14.

Omicron 10 Points

Unleash fever mode 20+ times.

Average mouse user 5 Points

Fail to cast a spell 100+ times.

Deviant Art 5 Points


Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Piconjo: AFK

Medals Earned: 2/21 (10/500 points)

Returnal 5 Points

Launch Piconjo: AFK

New Beginning 5 Points

Catch your first fish.

Cock Joke 5 Points

Catch a Tank Fish

Castle Crasher 5 Points

Catch a Fish Man

Static Vomit 5 Points

Catch an Hourglass Dog

Somewhere In The Pond 5 Points

Catch a Grunt

It Poops Gold 5 Points

Catch a Golden Whale

BRAAAAIIINS!!!! 10 Points

Catch a Zombeh Limb

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Get Money 5 Points

Earn $100 in total

Big Dolla 10 Points

Earn $1000 in total

Fat Stacks 25 Points

Earn $10000 in total

Beyond Wealthy 50 Points

Earn $100000 in total

stoinky stoink 100 Points

Earn $1000000 in total

Crustacea Savior 10 Points

Rescue the crab

fuk u imp0st3r die 10 Points

Blow up Pico as he rides past

M0R3 P0WAH 50 Points

Ascend for the first time

Loaded Out 100 Points

Max out all stats (excluding ascension)

i l0ve u <3 50 Points

Take a peek at the credits

Portal Defenders: Tower Defense

Medals Earned: 3/12 (15/280 points)

Curious 5 Points

Visit the creators' website

Cannibal 5 Points

Earn a heart from eating 4 enemy organs

Remorse 5 Points

Sell a tower

Mad Max 10 Points

Upgrade all 3 tower types to maximum in the same level

Over 9000 50 Points

Purchase all permanent upgrades

Completionist 50 Points

5-star every level

Weeaboo 10 Points

Beat Hanzou

Redemption 10 Points

Beat Jebus

How Bizarre 25 Points

Beat Bizarro Tom

Iron Man 100 Points

Beat the game without getting any permanent upgrades

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Tankmas ADVENTure 2020

Medals Earned: 24/40 (240/500 points)

December 1st 5 Points

Open the first present!

December 6th 5 Points

Open the sixth present!

December 8th 5 Points

Open the eighth present!

December 9th 5 Points

Open the ninth present!

December 10th 10 Points

Open the tenth present!

December 11th 10 Points

Open the 11th present!

December 12th 10 Points

Open the twelfth present!

December 13th 10 Points

Open the thirteenth present!

December 14th 10 Points

Open the fourteenth present!

December 15th 10 Points

Open the fifteenth present!

December 16th 10 Points

Open the sixteenth present!

December 20th 10 Points

Open the twentieth present!

December 22nd 10 Points

Open the twenty-second present!

December 23rd 10 Points

Open the twenty-third present!

December 24th 10 Points

Open the twenty-fourth present!

December 25th 10 Points

Open the twenty-fifth present!

December 26th 10 Points

Open the twenty-sixth present!

December 27th 10 Points

Open the twenty-seventh present!

December 28th 10 Points

Open the twenty-eighth present!

December 31st 10 Points

Open the thirty-first present!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Think Positive! 5 Points

Collect all the Happy Thoughts

Horsin Around 25 Points

Get a score of 10 or less on Pin the Tail

December 2nd 5 Points

Open the second present!

December 3rd 5 Points

Open the third present!

December 4th 5 Points

Open the fourth present!

December 5th 5 Points

Open the fifth present!

December 7th 5 Points

Open the seventh present!

December 17th 10 Points

Open the seventeenth present!

December 18th 10 Points

Open the eighteenth present!

December 19th 10 Points

Open the nineteenth present!

December 21st 10 Points

Open the twenty-first present!

December 29th 10 Points

Open the twenty-nineth present!

December 30th 10 Points

Open the thirtieth present!

January 1st 25 Points

Open the last present!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

The Alien Hominid Bootleg Digging Adventure 25 Points

Score at least 20,000 points in Festive Forage

Lussekatter Vinner 50 Points

Collect all 99 Lucia Cats in Hot Bun Run in under 90 seconds!

THE END - Part 3 50 Points

Take a stroll down the Credits Hall when it's over.

Tankmas ADVENTure 2021

Medals Earned: 28/37 (325/420 points)

Welcome to the Village! 5 Points

Enter the village for the first time.

December 1st 5 Points

Open the first present!

December 3rd 5 Points

Open the third present!

December 4th 5 Points

Open the fourth present!

December 5th 5 Points

Open the fifth present!

December 6th 5 Points

Open the sixth present!

December 7th 5 Points

Open the seventh present!

December 8th 5 Points

Open the eighth present!

December 9th 5 Points

Open the ninth present!

December 10th 10 Points

Open the tenth present!

December 11th 10 Points

Open the eleventh gift!

December 13th 10 Points

Open the thirteenth gift! (Before Brandy Does)

December 14th 10 Points

Open the fourteenth present!

December 15th 10 Points

Open the fifteenth present!

December 16th 10 Points

Open the sixteenth present!

December 17th 10 Points

Open the seventeenth present!

December 19th 10 Points

Open the nineteenth gift!

December 20th 10 Points

Open the twentieth present!

December 21st 10 Points

Open the twenty-first present!

December 22nd 10 Points

Open the twenty-second gift!

December 23rd 10 Points

Open the twenty-third gift!

December 25th 10 Points

Open the twenty-fifth gift!

December 26th 10 Points

Open the twenty-sixth gift!

December 27th 10 Points

Open the twenty-seventh gift!

December 28th 10 Points

Open the twenty-eighth gift!

December 29th 10 Points

Open the twenty-ninth gift!

December 31st 10 Points

Open the thirty-first gift!

Warm Winter Feelings 100 Points

Receive a Kiss from Tom Fulp, or anyone with this medal

December 2nd 5 Points

Open the second present!

December 12th 10 Points

Open the twelfth gift!

December 18th 10 Points

Open the eighteenth present!

December 24th 10 Points

Open the twenty-fourth gift!

December 30th 10 Points

Open the thirtieth gift!

January 1st 10 Points

Happy New Year!!! Thank you for playing Tankmas 2021! See you next year!

Yeti Degree 5 Points

Score 15 points in the "Holy Crap a Yeti" arcade

Yeti Masters Degree 10 Points

Score 30 points in the "Holy Crap a Yeti" arcade game

Yeti Doctorate 25 Points

Score 40 points in the "Holy Crap a Yeti" arcade

Time Fcuk

Medals Earned: 3/9 (30/270 points)

Is something wrong? 10 Points

get to lvl 9

Opinionated 10 Points

vote on 3 maps

You are your only companion in life. 10 Points

get to level 22

You've learned nothing 5 Points

Get the bad ending

Everyone will leave you 10 Points

get to level 28

Obsessed 25 Points

Vote on 33 maps

Lost in forever 50 Points

beat an explore campaign

The Assent 50 Points

Get the good ending

O))) 100 Points

Vote on 333 maps